Beyond the Surface – Shadow Work & Art Making


This series of four one day workshops is designed to explore the four quadrants of Shadow Work® through the use of drawing, painting, and mixed media.

Facilitated by Melbourne Studio of Art Director, Dena Lester who is a certified Shadow Work® Group Facilitator and Coach.


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This series of four one day workshops is designed to explore the four quadrants of Shadow Work® through the use of drawing, painting, and mixed media.

Facilitated by Melbourne Studio of Art Director, Dena Lester who is a certified Shadow Work® Group Facilitator and Coach.

Participants will be introduced to the Four Quadrants each represented by a major archetype and universally recognised across cultures:

  • The Magician: a keen observer, detached analyzer.
  • The Sovereign: a visionary ruler, bestower of blessings.
  • The Warrior: an active defender, boundary setter.
  • The Lover: a connector, empathic bond-builder.

At each session participants are presented with a unique opportunity to explore these archetypes through engaging teaching processes as well as dialogue, visualisations and the creation of artwork using a variety of surfaces, mediums, and techniques.

Shadow Work® delves into the hidden aspects of the mind, a psychotherapeutic approach pioneered by Carl Jung. Jung introduced the concept of the "shadow self," representing suppressed or denied facets of our being that balance the persona we present to the world.

The Shadow Work® model utilised to elucidate the four classical archetypes in our workshops aligns with the principles and techniques established by Cliff Barry who has been instrumental in developing psychotherapeutic methodologies that are used both in workshop and private client settings. For more information about this line of Shadow Work® please visit


October 6th - THE MAGICIAN
October 20th - THE SOVEREIGN
November 10th - THE WARRIOR
November 24th - THE LOVER

Sundays 10am - 6pm daily (one hour lunch break)

Per workshop - $295
All 4 workshops - $995


  • All art materials.
  • Course notes.
  • A take home journal for note taking and visual reflection.
  • Professional studio setup including easels, tables and chairs.
  • Access to a kitchenette with fridge, microwave and basic coffee & tea facilities.